The Real Name of the Capital of Albania

In the middle of Tirana stands this statue of a Persian Turk. Barkinzade Süleyman Paşa is his name. He was the founder of Tirana city.

Tirana never existed as a city until the late 1700s. Albanians call him, Sulejman Bargjini and they claim that he is Albanian. He was a Turkish general who came all the way from Persia. 

He named Tirana after, Tihran, Teheran, the capital of Iran. From the world database of toponyms:

The Islamic Encyclopedia did not confirm all our findings because Islamic Encyclopedia Referred to an Albanian author H. Kaleshi who is Albanian.

But what was Barkinzade Suleyman Pasha doing in Persia? Erion Veliaj, the mayor of Tirana, Rejects the claims that Tirana’s old name was Tehran . But he gives a detail that Suleyman Pasha was killed in Baghdad, very close to Tehran.

And the old name of Tehran in Iran/Persia was Tihran. Coincidence?

Alanes, or Arrans (name for Ancient Albanians) were an Aryan race from Iran near Daghestan. Coincidence again?

A map of Turkic languages in Persia and the Russian Empire all around the Black Sea.

Tirana was never the capital of Albania, but Ioaninna was first then Dyrrachion, which was the most important Greek city in North Epirus, not only a Metropolis but the birthplace of the Anastasios the first, emperor of Constantinople.

Dyrrachion a Greek city with Greek sculptures and artifacts bothered the Turks, so they had to create another town full of mosques and bring Turks all the way from Persia, posing as Albanians.

Tirana's main mosque is built by the family of Barkinzade Süleyman Paşa.

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