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Greeks in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs-Greket ne Hieroglifet Egjiptiane

Ancient Egyptians were acquainted with the Greeks, according to discovered documents. They referred to them as Ionians, Helenes, or Greeks. Egyptians could read Greek effectively because they were proficient in Coptic, Demotic, and Hieratic languages.  Sipas dokumenteve të zbuluara, Egjiptianët e lashtë i njihnin mire Grekët. Ata i referoheshin atyre si Joniane Helenë ose Grekë. Egjiptianët mund të lexonin Greqishten në mënyrë efektive, sepse ata ishin të aftë në gjuhët Kopte, Demotik dhe Hieratik - dialekte the Greqishtes UINN was one of the names the Egyptians used to refer to Greeks. It served more as a designation for the Ionians.    UINN ishte një nga emrat që Egjiptianët përdorën për t'iu referuar grekëve. Ai shërbeu më shumë si emërtim për Jonianet The word UINN or UININ is Coptic. Greeks were called UININ (Ionians Greeks) by Egyptians a word used by the Persians as JAUNA and Hebrews as JAVAN. It was a word that was applied to all Greek people. Fjala UINN ose UI...

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