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Sarandoporos/Ο ΠΟΤΑΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΝΕΚΡΩΝ - Sarandaporo/Vromonero Lumi i te Vdekurve

  Vromonero is deep gorge in Epirus with water gathering from Sarandaporo river. Sarandaporo in Greek means Forty Fords (a river or a stream).  Albanians changed the name of Vromoneri Gorge to Kuqesh in order to hide the Greek history and Mythology behind it. Sarandaporos Ioannina Checkoslovakian Scientists are liars. They found nothing. This Gorge is ancient . Many Checkoslovakians steal properties in Himara Vromonero means dirty water and has no meaning at all in Albanian.  Sarandaporo river was also called Vourgaris but this ancient name was Τιταρών or Latin Titaressos.  In Greek mythology, the Titaressos river in Thessaly was a branch of the Styx (river of the underworld), the underworld's main river.  The Titaressos river began at the western slopes of Mount Olympus and flowed into the Peneios river.  Vromonero është një grykë e thellë në Epir me ujërat që grumbullohen nga lumi Sarandaporo. Sarandaporo në greqisht do të thotë Dyzet Perren....

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