Xhubleta - Copy of Mycenaean Pagan Idolatry

 Xhubleta the word and the symbol has nothing to do with Albanians. It is adopted by Albanians.

Balkanista is a British Journalist who works in Albania. Her name is Alice Taylor. She perpetuates lies about xhubleta because she is married to an Albanian. 

The word Xhubleta is not Albanian and has no meaning in Albanian whatsoever. The word comes from Arab- Al-Djoubba and then Serbian (Dzube) where Albanians adopted it from.  

Even Gustav Meyer that has studied the Albanian Language admits that the word Dzube is Slavic

Dzube is an Serbian outfit worn by Serbian women

This outfit was worn by people in Prizren and the museum doesn't say that they are Albanians.

Going back in time and explaining the symbolism...

Moritz Hoernes an Austrian Paleontologist and archeologist describes the Idol of Klicevac as Mycenean.

At Klicevac temples of Jupiter worshiping have been found

Authors believe that the statue of Klicevac is similar to Greek Dyplon Vases

Similar figurines similar to the statue of Klicevac are displayed at the Museum of Cyprus.

More terracottas from the Cyprus similar to the statue of Klicevac and Xhubleta.

Trojan "Xhubleta" ?

The same outfit of a woman from Akrotiri

Other terracotta from the Aegean

Trojan terracottas from Ilios the city of Troy similar to the shape of xhubleta. 

All these terracotta and images symbolize the Mother Goddess. They are a symbol of sun-worshiping and pagan idolatry of Venus aka Isis.

.The picture below is taken from this book In order to understand symbolism you should read it. 

Albanians never talked about these symbols and they do not recognize them. They copied them from the Serbs. 

Why do Albanians appropriate everything? 

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