Alberto Stratico: Albanians Came From The Caspian in the 11 Century

 Alberto Stratico was a Greek man from Lungro -Italy whose last name has Greek origins. Stratico comes from Στρατηγός. He was not Albanian.

Alberto Straticco was a teacher of literature at Lungro (Cosenza) a former colony of Hungarians hired by the Byzantines against the Lombards.

In ancient times, Lungro, was called Ungarum or Lungrium (which means the territory of the Hungarians)

While Italians were planning to invade Epirus, they started to spread disinformation that the population of Lungro was Albanian.

Lungro was always inhabited by Greeks.

The monasteries were Greek at Lungro and no mention of Albanians until 1919.

Eparchia Lungrensis was created only in the year 1919, after the creation of the Albanian State.

The Italian church started changing the names of the Greek priests to Italian names so they would not be recognized. The Greek Bishop Ioannis Mele, suddenly got his name changed to an Italian name Giovanni Mele and the Eparchia Lungrensis became "Albanian" with Greek priests.

Greek priests at Lungro (foto below).

The rites were Greek at the churches of Lungro. 

Alberto Stratico a psychology teacher at Lungro, who was in contact with many Italian propaganda writers wrote a book in 1896, called "Manuale Di Letteratura Albanese" (Manual of Albanian Literature) promoted by the Albanian state and writers, who do not mention the Caspian region as the primary residence of the Albanians.

In this book, Alberto Stratico says that, Albanians came from the Caspian Sea, and started appearing in 11th century in the Balkans.

Stratico: “… During their stay in Asia, the Albanians, driven by the struggles sustained with other peoples or by other reasons, began to transmigrate towards the West in bits and pieces; except that, overshadowed by other more numerous and stronger peoples, historians did not begin to mention them until the 11th century, when it can be said that they disappeared from the Caucasus..."

Stratico: "… The first nucleus of Albanians in Europe appeared in the peninsula of Acte, which goes from Mount Athos to the Aegean Sea, as noted by Thucydides and Herodotus Many others came afterward, led by Darius, after the defeat of Arbela, in the villages behind Macedonia, others came with the Persians to war with the Greeks; and then others followed suit, invading the Redope Mountains, Thrace, and Illyria…”

Stratico: "…At the end of the wars, they then appeared constituted in the form of tribes, passed from one State to another with the natural speed of the Scyptari, and finally appeared in most important aggregates on the Acrocerauni mountains and near Durres, and subsequently in the southernmost parts, occupying the territories of modern Albania…”

Stratico says in the photo below:

“…Pompey, continuing the war against Mithridates, had to advance into the lands of the Albanians and Oroese raised an army of 60,000 infantry and 22,000 horses against him. Romans and Albanians came to battle on the river Abante; but although these had performed prodigies of valor, they were overwhelmed by the Roman force and were defeated. Albania became a province of Rome…”

“…the Albanians were guided away from their own seats, from Asia Minor and in the European regions they supported the wishes of Roman emperors…”

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